MAF RODA in der Presse ....
Presse und Ezines
- SOUTH EAST FARMER MAGAZINE - Juni 2019 / "Packed with Pride", Cottage Farms
- HARVEST SA - Juli-August 2018 / "Partners in packing - The advantages of a turn-key solution"
- GOOD FRUIT GROWER - Mai 2018 / "Beating the labor blues", Blue Mountain Farms
- FRUIT GROWER - April 2017 / East Kent Fruit Society members visit Adrian Scripps Ltd's Moat Farm
- FRUIT TODAY - November 2016 / Reportage RODA IBERICA, MAF RODA spanische Tochtergesellschaft in Valencia
- EUROFRUIT Magazine - September 2016 / MAF RODA AGROBOTIC Newsletter
- ENTERPRISE AFRICA - Juni 2016 / EKM Exports Multi-Million rand investments for SA fruit exporter
- FROUTOUNEA Magazine - Juni 2016 / Grèce
- Magazine RÉUSSIR - März 2016 / La thermothérapie contre les maladies de conservation des fruits
Artikel von Ezines:
- FARMERSWEEKLY - "APATA - New tech boosts pack house output" (Publication du 04/06/2019)
- Fresh Plaza - "MAF Roda launches first ever dragon fruit sorting line" (Publication du 21/7/2017)
- Fresh Plaza - "More precise sorting on softness for blueberries" (Publication du 8/6/2017)
- Fresh Plaza - Garcia Ballester - "With good customers, you can survive" (Publication du 17/11/2016)
- Fresh Plaza - China’s Qifeng: Looking ahead to the 2016 kiwi season - "Chinese kiwi market is flourishing" (Publication du 11/08/2016)
TV-Reportagen und andere
Reportage France 3 Provence-Alpes
Figue de Solliès
JT 1213 Provence-Alpes du 30 août 2016
Figue de Solliès
JT 1213 Provence-Alpes du 30 août 2016
Prix de l'Entrepreneur de l'année 2012
Sud-ouest / Ernst & Young - L'Express
Sud-ouest / Ernst & Young - L'Express
Trophée Leaders Economie - Grand Montauban 2018
Trophée Pénélope - Grand Montauban / Communauté d'Agglomération
Trophée Pénélope - Grand Montauban / Communauté d'Agglomération