Accurate selection process

SAFINA is the main producer and exporter of mangoes and French beans in Senegal. After an intense development of its orchards, the production of mangoes, mainly Kent variety, will soon reach 10,000 Tons per year.

The line installed by MAF RODA allows to manage a capacity of up to 20 Tons per hour. To allow the handling of such volume, SAFINA thus has decided to renew its equipment of sizing and packaging (until from the competitor) by trusting MAF RODA with opting for a modern line integrating latest high-end technologies of the French Group in terms of treatment, sizing and packaging of mango.

The line indeed includes an automated system for dumping the harvest boxes in a water tank in order to guarantee a gentle reception, a manual sorting area for elimination of the non-marketable rejections, a hot water treatment to prevent anthracnose (5 minutes exposition to 55°C), a brushing and polishing machine in order to prepare the product for export, and finally a last generation electronic sizer INTEGRA 120 which allows an accurate selection of the mangoes according to their weight, diameter, shape and color. Everything is realized on this line to take care of the selected mangoes and to give them the highest added value on the export market. Undoubtedly, a big success and a giant step for SAFINA in its continuous development.